butterfingers akan keudara diradio station muzik.fm untuk wawancara rock selamba pada hari ini jam 2.15-3.15ptg.maaf kerana berita yg lambat,,ini kerana interview ini di susun dengan agak ad hoc.untuk mendengarnya:-88.5fm atau streaming www.muzikfm.com
Finally,,the wait is over,,thank you for your patience,,we are ready to release our new/second single called 'Maharani'. There's no physical product for this,,of course the main focus is to release in major radio and try to create a pre-erupt before album release next July. And honestly we think its time to follow up 3 months old 1000 tahun. The single has major support from xfresh, era, hitz as well as other major radio and it should be in the rotation within 2-3 weeks time. From now on,,you can prelisten to 'Maharani' by dropping by at our myspace-http://www.myspace.com/butterlatethannever OR by clicking at this link below:- http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=5183487 and soon in the radio. This song is also available in MP3 download at guamuzik.com starting nextweek. More info coming soon! ! Thank you for your support
Butterfingers akan memulakan persembahan sedikit awal iaitu pada jam 5ptg. Kami akan memainkan lagu lama seperti............................ Semoga saudara semua bergembira diatas bumbumg,,jumpa sana.