hubungi Butterfingers? /contact Butterfingers?
Isnin, Mac 31, 2008
Street Team in local Université
We need street team to cover UiTM,MMU,Lim Kok Wing for now.
Please call dax 019-3682107
Street Team
For those who wanna buy single cd direct can get it from our street teams. Please call this contact person listed below.
1. AG - Tikus Rock Community 0122617474
2. Joy - Satu Untuk Semua 0172636411
Empayar Kuku Besi - RoyalButterfingers 0123311951
3. Affendi - 0192777509 (Cheras)
4. Cik Rogayah - 0122265814 (Subang Jaya, Shah Alam)
5. Kim - 0138522783 (UPM, Serdang)
6. Sha/Loko - 0176825042 or 0176330767 (UM, Bangsar, Kajang, Sri Kembangan )
7. Emmett - 0163825987 (Bangsar, P.J, Taman Tun Dr.Ismail,Damansara)
8. Dax - 019-3682107 (K.L, Ampang, W.Maju)
Sabtu, Mac 29, 2008
1000tahun(mahu hidup) Versi BeritaButter
Isnin, Mac 24, 2008
Butterfingers Single CD Out Now

1. United States RM 22/7USD (10cd +9.20 registered post+ 2.80 fuel surcharge)
2. UK, German, europe RM 21/4 Pounds (10cd +8.40 registered post+ 2.60 fuel surcharge)
3. Australia RM20/7 AUD (10cd+ 7.50 registered post + 2.50 fuel surcharge)
4. New Zealand RM20/8NZD (10cd+7.50 registered post+ 2.50 fuel surcharge)
Standard Procedure how you can receive the package straight from your doorsteps.
Make Payment to our MAYBANK ACCOUNT
Acc No. 514253138161
*Because cash deposit machine dont accept small notes better for you to Bank In at the counter or Transfer from your account to Penerbitan Butterworld 514253138161
Sends your details
Phone Number:
No of CD:
Payment mode :Transfer/Bank In
Time of making payment:
Date of making payment:
(Pls include this to allow us to track record your transaction)
We close order every week on Friday 11.59 PM and will do shipment on Monday. Shipping in Malaysia should get within 3 working days while places outside Malaysia should get in 7 -14 working days.
Any inquiry about this,,pls send to
or call dax at 0193682107
Rabu, Mac 19, 2008
mlm ini !000tahun(mahu hidup) di HItz FM! 9.15pm!!
rikhail win dZar
VIdeoclip Beritabutter Postpone Nextweek
Sabtu, Mac 15, 2008
Thats the link to our facebook page and should be up this monday.
We would like you all to become our fan there in order for us to send latest news, upcoming gig, merchandise, album and stuff like that.
Starting this monday,,all recent news will be spread via myspace and facebook heavilly.
See You there.
Jumaat, Mac 14, 2008
Kord dan senikata lagu 1000 tahun (mahu hidup) *
Di sini tertera Kord dan senikata lagu 1000 tahun(mahu hidup) ala ala
buku kord 'sing along' rock melayu tahun2 90an dulu..tak tau skrang ada lagi ke tak... diharap dgn. cara begini, lebih senang difahami!-tan cheng loQue.
intro :
(gitar solo guna skala Asia!!iaitu Skala Pentatonick, ala ala Sape,alat tradisional Sarawak*)
C# minor G#minor E major X 4
D#dim G#7 F#dim Cdim(atau B7(b9))
Verse 1
C#minor G#minor Emajor
memanglah Penat tapi mcm mana nak Buat,
C#minor G#minor Emajor
sudah terlambat baru nak cepat, terperanjat,
C#minor G#minor Emajor
harap maafkan, di atas sgala kesulitan,
C#minor G#minor Emajor
perselisihan yg. dihadapi, selama ini.
D#dim G#7
amat dikesali.
F#dim Cdim
takkan berulang lagi !
Bmajor(11) C#minor(11) Emajor(9)
KEMBALI , kembali kepada slamanya,
G#minor Emajor(9) Emajor (9) C#minor(11)
KEMBA LI , kini ku bangun sedar dari mimpi,
Bmajor(11) C#minor(11) Emajor(9)
KEMBALI , kembali kepada petak pertama,
G#minor Emajor(9) Emajor (9) C#minor(11)
KEMBALI , ku mahu hidup 1000 tahun lagi
verse 2
C#minor G#minor Emajor
saya tak akan, mengambil kesempatan walaupun,
C#minor G#minor Emajor
diri ku ini kesempitan di awan ke Sembilan,
C#minor G#minor Emajor
kota raya, Kosmopolitan ini penuh dengan
C#minor G#minor Emajor
iblis dan syaitan penuh dugaan, kalau jatuh lagi,
D#dim G#7
berdiri KEMBALI!
F#dim Cdim
s k a l i L a g i !
(ulang Khorus) X 2*
Bmajor C#major Emajor
ku mahu hidup 1000tahun lagi,
Ulang Outro sehingga Penat!!
dipetik dari 'KEMBALI'
1000 tahun(mahu hidup)
lagu digubah oleh :loQue.emmett.kadax.loko.
senikata diolah oleh :loQue.
O.P: pustaka muzik butter trade 2008
rikhail win dZar
intrview bersama hunny dan burn diXfresh.

Single pertama mendapat sambutan hangat diradio terutamanya,,anda boleh mendengarnye diwaktu pagi,tengahhari,petang,senja,mlm,tengah malam. Permintaan untuk lagu ini menggalakkan. Jadi kami semua ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada farah, hunny,burn dan semua penyampai station ini yg ^XRESHAHOLIC^ kerana sokongan mereka yg 'PADU'.!!
imej oleh taj dan fis
Selasa, Mac 11, 2008
1st Single Official Video release date

time stop ticking and everything run faster. its about time.!
We would like to announce that butterfingers official videoclip (Beritabutter) release date is on 20th March.
Will be up in youtube butterfingerstheband, spread thru myspace and facebook. And this is the version that will be aired on TV station.
I think you all should watch because the objective of this video other then music is to address few messages for example Malaysian language, illegal social activity (wrems) and Bands Award.
Its a music to anyones ear and i strongly think this audio and video gel.
10 days more. Laugh loud.

Isnin, Mac 10, 2008
interview di xfresh! mlm ini 9pm!
rikhail win dZar
Selasa, Mac 04, 2008
1000 tahun di radio?
Pada minggu lepas, Kadax telah mengedarkan single 1000 tahun ke radio radio tempatan. Dan kini, kami perlukan pertolongan anda. Jikalau anda inginkan radio radio tempatan memutarkan lagu 1000 tahun ini, anda boleh membuat permintaan kepada radio radio tersebut untuk memainkan lagu terbaru Butterfingers. Ini kerana sesetengah radio hanya akan mainkan sesetengah lagu jikalau ada permintaan. Selain menelefon radio radio, anda juga boleh melawati website mereka dan membuat permintaan dari website tersebut. Dengan itu kami meminta jasa baik anda untuk membuat permintaan tersebut. Masa dan pertolongan anda, amat kami hargai. Terima Kasih banyak banyak.
Last week, Kadax went to our local radio stations and passed them Butterfingers latest single 1000 tahun. And now, we need your help. If you like to listen to their song on the radio, please call them up and request for their song to be play on the radio. This is because some of the radio stations will only play some songs if there's a request for it. Other than calling them up and request for their song, you can visit their website and request online.Therefore we would like to ask for your help to request for their song. Your time and help are deeply appreciated by us. Thank you so much.
ERA F.M: 103.3 (
Xfresh F.M: 103.0 (
Hot F.M: 97.6 (
Hitz.F.M: 92.9 (
Fly FM: 95.8 (
Suria F.M: 105.3 (
Untuk anda yang tinggal di luar Lembah Klang, anda boleh melawati website radio radio ini dan pilih frekuensi tempat yang ada tinggal.
For those who live outside Klang Valley, please visit their website to know the frequency for your radio station.
Terima kasih sekali lagi.
Thank You so much.
Lagu rakyat Daripada Rakyat Untuk Rakyat!
- Street Team in local Université
- Street Team
- 1000tahun(mahu hidup) Versi BeritaButter
- Butterfingers Single CD Out Now
- mlm ini !000tahun(mahu hidup) di HItz FM! 9.15pm!!
- VIdeoclip Beritabutter Postpone Nextweek
- Kord dan senikata lagu 1000 tahun (mahu hidup) *
- intrview bersama hunny dan burn diXfresh.
- 1st Single Official Video release date
- interview di xfresh! mlm ini 9pm!
- 1000 tahun di radio?
- butters 'Kembali' theme